Where to begin...so much to write about and only two hands...first off, my awesome sister just started her own blog (inspired by moi) and it's already one of my new favorites. It's called "GrowinginPepperell," and she writes about gardening, mulch, husbands, and children.
And, oh yes, the Daylilies have begun blooming (though the Stellas have been at it for a while. I believe the picture above is of Hemerocallis 'To Janet.' I'm still waiting on the pinks, 'Chorus Line' and 'Strawberry Candy'.
Did you know there's a Daylily society? I didn't, but googled "daylily" because I wasn't sure if it had one or two "l's" and got a link to the American Hemerocallis Society. Cool.
In other news, I have begun a smallish (5x3) raised-bed project, intending to grow some tomatos and basil out there. It's also a handy place to plunk chunks of sod. This fall I
'll throw some compost on top and maybe some topsoil. Visions of heirlooms tomatos are dancing in my head. Building it was actually pretty easy and cheap (about $30, not including price of dirt and compost).
Coincidentally, in the foreground is Amy Stewart's "Flower Confidential," which I borrowed from the library. It's really interesting and a good, fast read (my favorite). Makes me want to request organic, fair trade roses, from my husband next Valentines (or better yet, I can use it as an excuse to buy my own rose bushes).
She gardens aaaand builds things aaaaaand blogs - you are amazing.